My Passions in Business

My Passion is You

I work together with dreamers and doers.
Dedicated to Branding and Marketing for Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs,
Creatives and Small Business Owners

Successful Business Conducted With Marketing for:
CEOs, Real Estate Agents & Brokers, Software Companies,
Public Speakers, App Developers, Artists, Writers,
non-Profit Organizations, and Young Entrepreneurs

Partnering with You

You and your business are my passion. It’s one of my favorite things to learn about what you’re passionate about. Business owners like us have a great idea that is designed to help fulfill a need out there in the market. Often what stops us from pushing that further out there is something we don’t know. Whether that means we don’t know HOW to, or WHO needs to hear WHAT we have to say. This is where I want to partner with you in the journey of getting your message out to the right people.

Are we a good fit?

On a Mission to Debunk the Myths of Marketing

I’m on a mission to dispel the myths around traditional online marketing. I’m a marketing expert who hates marketing. In my experience working with small business owners, we’ve often gotten lost in the pay-per-clicks, ad campaigns, and promotions, rather than actually making an impactful impression and building our relationships with our ideal clients.

I’ll show you how branding, the right messaging and telling your story is the best marketing strategy out there.

Read more on what I have to say on the subject.

Sharing Lessons with You

Throughout the years of being a small business owner and a marketing professional, I’ve made some mistakes and learned from those mistakes. I’ve learned more about myself during the process than I’ve actually learned about the industry, technology, or the market. I’ve learned that people want to work with ME, not because I have the degrees, certificates, or accolades, but because of ME. That is what your clients want too! They want YOU because you are YOU. I would be honored to share more about this mindset and other valuable lessons with you as you level-up in your own business.

Looking for Consulting?

Graphic Design is My Jam

For me, one of the best parts of my job is when I get to strap on my headphones, crank up some inspiring music, and jump into a graphic design project. It’s that phase in our working relationship when, we’ve worked together to formulate a perfect brand, feel, and look, and now it’s time to execute! Creating something I know will Let You Shine is my jam.

Learn more about my creative offerings.

The Bottom Line

Letting You Shine

The bottom line is that I love helping people with their creative ideas and their passions. I would hate for some thought like, “I have clue where to even start..” or “I have never done that before…” to stop you from moving forward with leveling up your business. I’ve been there! There are so many times when I’ve had to call on someone else, an expert, to help me level up in my business too. I’m here to do what I do best so you can do what you do best. It’s my sweet spot to do the behind-the-scenes work, #LettingYouShine, out there on center stage.


More on My Passions