Intentions Instead of Resolutions

I love working on New Year's Eve because there is a type of solitude and quietness. It’s less intense somehow from other working days of the year. I’m going at a slower but more intentional pace today. Intentionality is the name of the game for 2022 for me. I’ve implemented it in the past few months and I want to carry that with me into next year.

While recently talking to a solopreneur friend about our accomplishments and plans for the near future, we realized that we never really took ourselves seriously as CEOs until recently. You see, she and I do not “look” like what most would consider CEOs or #BossBitches to look. (Did anyone else picture Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada?) We aren’t rushing from one appointment to another, putting out fires, all the while ignoring the person they are with to bark orders to someone else on a Bluetooth earpiece. We don’t look rushed or overwhelmed.

We still work very hard and strive for excellence, but we also know that we can’t deliver the quality of work or serve our clients unless we put a high value on ourselves. We understand that business doesn’t have to be cutthroat or working all hours of the day. When you’re intentional about time, how you treat others, and how you grow yourself, the chaos quiets and you can hear all the creative ideas buzzing, the time frees up, and you’re working with joy.

Being intentional this year has allowed me to decrease my client number but increase my income. I’ve been able to keep my appointments and still accomplish great work with wonderful people. It’s allowed me to collaborate and contribute at another level with each of my clients than ever before. I’ve actually read books, written articles, and created new plans. I’m sleeping better at night and come to work with more enthusiasm than ever.

Ever since my husband and I have been married we’ve stayed in on New Year's Eve and popped a bottle of bubbly and planned (not partied). What started out as staying home and soothing our dog who hated fireworks, has turned out to be the biggest planning, budgeting, dreaming session of the year. You may think us lame but it’s the best tradition we’ve made together.

We don’t make resolutions, but review, reflect and celebrate what we’ve done this year. We then look ahead at what we want life to look like in the coming future. Who we want to be. We look at what we want and how to intentionally work toward it. What do we need to do or what do we need NOT to do? How much will need to be earned? Saved? When can we go?

Owning a home, adding fur babies to the pack, planting a garden in the backyard. Weekends full of mountain bike rides, hikes, and socializing with friends. Actual vacations with relaxation and downtime planned. Time to contribute to the community rolling our sleeves up and volunteering. All on the list for 2022 - and we’re excited to get started.

What are you going to be intentional about this year?