Schedule Some Time With Me

Sharing what I’ve learned throughout my business journey with other small business owners. This is where we’ll chat about your mindset, and your big hairy goals, and suggest some things you might want to consider along the way. We’ll start with a getting-to-know-each-other session and then, if we find we are doing well, then we can chat about consulting options.
Please email me directly should you have any other questions:

Please fill out the form to request to meet up. Please read through the options below and choose one of the following:

  • 30 MINS

    Connecting Over Coffee Sessions will consist of us getting to know each other.

    We’ll talk about our hobbies, ideal clients, and interests. This is a great way to see if we are a good fit on a personal level to work together.

    However, if you want to “pick my brain” or get a more in-depth look at your business needs, I’ll suggest we schedule a Coaching Over Coffee session.

  • 45 MINS @ $250

    Coaching Over Coffee Sessions will be structured:
    First 15 MIN of us getting to know each other

    30 MIN of coaching for your business.

    This is a great option if you just need some insider information, guidance, or quick strategic planning.

  • I’m certainly happy and very honored that you’d want more time with me.

    After meeting initially, if we find that we love working with each other and want to make it a regular thing, we’ll go from there.

    But we’ll start with one of our Over Coffee sessions.

    I do offer an ongoing consulting retainer option and/or a series of accountability coaching options.


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