Your Clients Want You to Say "No"


I find a lot of solopreneurs (myself included) are people who are naturally inclined to say yes to anything. Why? Probably because we’re curious, opportunistic, and adventurous. We don’t want to turn down anything that will help us grow our business, embark on a new venture, or pass up on a great relationship -  so we say “yes” a lot, even when we might not mean it.

Yes, I’d love to meet with you today. (Although I don’t have a lot of time.)
Yes, I can help. (Even though there is someone I know who could help you more.) 
Yes, I can do that. (Although I might have to watch a few how-tos to do it.) 
Yes, I’d love to go over your options. (Although I’m I have a feeling we’re not a good fit.) 
Yes, I’ll be available whenever you need me. (Although, I really prefer not being on call.) 
Yes, I’m able to do all of that and then some. (Because I always go above and beyond.) 
Yes, I can work you in. (Even though I planned to be off that day.) 
Yes, I’ll move things around.  (Even though I promised someone else I’d do something for them.) 
Yes, I’ll go to that networking event. (But I am pretty sure it’s not for me.) 
Yes, I’ll have it done sooner.  (I’ll have to stay late, cut my lunch short, and move my meeting.) 
Yes, I’ll do it for a different price. (It’s less than I normally charge, but whatever.) 
Yes, let’s try it your way.  (Even though, I’ve seen this hasn’t worked before.) 
Yes, yes, yes. 

Saying no as a solopreneur isn’t easy. We don’t know where any of these opportunities will lead us. Will they lead us to another connection?  Will THAT connection be the one that really brings in the big fish? This project really proves how good I am. I’ve even heard from another friend, “It’s because I say yes all the time, is the only reason why my clients work with me. I’m their “yes, gal”. If I say, “no” I’ll risk the whole working relationship.” 

These are all myths by the way. 

Your clients want to work with you because you are YOU, not because you say yes all the time. They know you’re going to get things done and do them well. They know you’re going to be honest with them about how to approach the work. They can count on you to work with them when things seem to be taking a different direction. 

They want YOU, not your yes. 
And in most cases, they even want you to say no. 

If you have the kind of clients I have, they don’t want you to put your wellness at risk by saying yes to them and never taking a vacation. They understand that you work with other people and you may not have the time to dedicate to doing a great job for them right now. They know that they might have to wait a month or two to have your full attention. They want to pay you what you’re worth. They can trust that because you’ve said yes to them, you’ve said no to others. They want you to say yes when it’s best for you, not for them. My mentor has shared with me that one of his clients expressed to him, “I’d rather you decline me now rather than disappoint me later.” 

I think that we “Yes people” think that saying no, means that we’re just refusing to do something - being stubborn. Or even admitting, “we can’t”. But saying no actually means that the terms aren’t where I’d like them to be in order to be able to say yes - yet. 

  • No, I won’t do it for that price, but I will for this price, and here’s why... 

  • I don’t find any value in committing to that event, because that time would be best allocated for this…

  • No, I’ve found better ways to approach this, and here’s how it works…

  • No, I won’t be able to deliver quality work unless I can start on it in a week and deliver it to you in two weeks. 

  • No, I think I’m not a great fit for this, but I know someone who would do that even better. 

  • No, I won’t be available next week, I’ll be out on vacation, but let’s talk about getting started the following week. 

  • No, I can’t take your call right now, but I will get back to you. 

  • No, I won’t move things around because I’ve promised someone else, but here’s what else I can do. 

I’ve said all of these things to clients and I’ve never lost one because of these statements. I’ve even said no to clients who were not a good fit, which has always reserved the room for clients who are.

For us “yes-ers” -
It is possible to say no and
It’s even responsible to say no. 
Your Clients will appreciate you for it.
