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Are We a Good Fit?

Our Partnership:

It’s very important to me to work with people who are just as passionate and dedicated to the work as I am. I do not work for you, I work with you.

I’m here to effectively apply my expertise, years of knowledge, and creative ideas to invest in your business. When we work together, the I and You become Us. Your vision is now my vision. It is my promise to you that I’ll communicate what we need, be transparent about where things are going, and have clear expectations and deadlines. I’ll expect the same from you.

I Don’t Do Freelance Work

The design work that I do is integrated into your overall marketing plan and storytelling strategy we formulate together. It’s not social content for content’s sake. Everything we do will be intentional. There is a meaning and message behind everything we create together. If you’re looking for a freelance person to quickly crank out some social graphics or hobble together some email wording, at a super affordable price, you will do better off going to Fivver or hiring an intern.

Are You Ready to Invest in Your Business?

I’m really passionate about helping small business leaders and solopreneurs who are beyond the “grand opening” stage - people who are ready to invest in the next level of business. They’ve been doing everything themselves and now understand that they need an expert to go on the journey with them. If you feel like you’re ready to start your investment journey, we can have a quick chat in a Connecting Over Coffee session.

Is Your Business Brand New?

If you are a brand new business owner or looking to start one up, and you want some general advice, you can check out my journal entries.

Clients Who Have Become Friends

Your small business is your baby. You have a lot riding on your endeavor. I understand how brave you are to go it on your own and rise to the challenge and payoff a small business can have. I care just as much about you and your business as you do. I’m honored to say that through the process of seeing a business endeavor through, I can call my clients my friends.