Your Clients Want You to Say "No"

Saying no as a solopreneur isn’t easy. We don’t know where any of these opportunities will lead us. Will they lead us to another connection?  Will THAT connection be the one really brings in the big fish? I’ve even heard from another friend, “It’s because I say yes all the time, is the only reason why my clients work with me. I’m their “yes, gal”. If I say, “no” I’ll risk the whole working relationship.” 

These are all myths by the way. 

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Put Away Your Laundry First 

It’s one of the bad habits that many solopreneurs and business owners tend to do - We opt to spend a lot of time working IN our business rather than working ON our business. I find that I wait until the right time to dig into these items, but really it’s just about making the time.

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It's Been a Marathon

The more I chat with my fellow solopreneurs about this weird rut, I’ve learned that I’m not alone in this. This isn’t just some case of “writer's block” or a “slump” or “dry season” for me I have come to the conclusion that it’s been a marathon.

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Intentions Instead of Resolutions

Ever since my husband and I have been married we’ve stayed in on New Year's Eve and popped a bottle of bubbly and planned (not partied). What started out as staying home and soothing our dog who hated fireworks, has turned out to be the biggest planning, budgeting, dreaming session of the year. You may think us lame but it’s the best tradition we’ve made together.

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